For me, friends that truly get you and make you laugh don't come around all that often in life. You know what I'm am talking about. The ones that you can call up at any moment, no matter how long it has been and you pick up right where you left off. The ones that you want to share big news with the second after you tell your spouse. Well, for my husband, that is this guy. Its been 13+ years since they met in the LDS mission in NYC, but I swear I still don't hear him laugh as hard as he does when they reminisce about old memories. Im convinced that there is nothing better in life than close friends.
Well, luckily for me, Chris married a girl equally as awesome, and fast forward to this month, they added the most adorable little babe to the mix! I mean, look at these cuties! He was a teeny 6 pound baby and seriously the sweetest little thing in the world. I had such a great time with them and enjoyed every single moment that I had to snuggle this little guy. Newborns are such a special moment in time. And I am more than grateful to have been a small part of their story.
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